Breck, great job on this article. I have been following CPUSA for a long time. It's former national leader, John Bachtell, even bragged about their support of the Democrat Party and their efforts to get their candidates elected in this article: https://www.cpusa.org/article/lesson-from-midterms-a-united-people-can-win/.

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I read most of that piece while browsing through the CPUSA website. I noted that there were no comments left at the end of it. I hope that means very few people actually read it or visit the CPUSA website regularly.

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Breck, you have really gone off the deep end. The US is the most right-wing of the advanced countries - so far form communism, socialism, or even full scale social democracy that to suggest that the so-called American left is promoting communism is a joke.

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I would have thought so too, until recently. Did you actually read the CPUSA Agenda? Can you tell me where that agenda deviates from Democrat positions on any of the issues covered? It may be that CPUSA is parroting the Democrat Party's talking points in order to ingratiate themselves with a major US political party. That would be a concern as well, but it certainly appears from policy positions that the two parties are closely aligned.

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9Liked by Breck Henderson

Do we want (and perhaps still really need) the CPUSA as a good example of a bad example? Under the free speech view that to counter bad speech (wrong, undesired ideas) requires someone to come forward with countervailing good speech, etc.

This also reminds me that not too long ago I noticed that the American Humanist Association (which I joined for a year) had awarded one of their 2024 yearly awards to Michael Mann, of the climate "Science" hocky stick fame, where I questioned how an organization supposedly emphasizing rationality could make that award. That led me to examine just who were the award recipients from 2009 onwards. I then noticed that they became progressively ever more progressive in their outlook, even as the AHA is purported to be a nonpartisan 503(c )3 organization.

If we can hold this next election and successfully (and confidently) restrict election fraud, then perhaps we can gage from the result just how liberal, progressive, leftist, and communistic our country has become over the last 50+ years. It often appears that the indoctrinated media has a stranglehold on getting reliable messaging out to the wider populace, but resources such as Substack are giving us some venues to counter that. Will be interesting to see if it is (just barely) enough.

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